Citizen’s Cup Challenge
The Citizen’s Cup challenge between the alumni of The Windsor Warlords and Hants West Flames will take place Saturday March 12, 2022 at 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the West Hants Sports Complex. The old-timers are sure to please!
Anyone interested in playing for the Warlords, please contact Stan Kochanoff, and for the Flames contact Mike Church or Garnett Davison. (Players must be alumni and 50+.) Masks are required for entrance and for the fans. The Windsor Hockey Heritage Society is hosting this event along with the West Hants Carnival committee. A donation to the Windsor-West Hants Food Bank will be appreciated.
The Citizens Trophy was presented to the Windsor Hockey League by the citizens of Windsor in 1900. The trophy was won by the Windsor Avonians in 1900, 1901 and 1902. The team was allowed to keep the cup, so a new cup was donated. The Windsor Citizen’s Hockey Trophy was first won in 1903 by the Resolute Hockey Team. The second cup was awarded until 1953, then it disappeared from public view. The trophy became the property of Mitchell Franklin, a well-known developer of movie theatres in the Maritimes. Franklin was married to Mitzi Mayer, daughter of movie mogul Louis B. Mayer.
The historic trophy was discovered in an antique store in downtown Toronto, where Sean Gadon spotted it in a display in 2013. (The antique dealer had purchased the trophy at an estate sale about two years earlier.)
Sean Gadon was instrumental in returning the trophy to its roots, and organized a fundraiser to purchase the cup for the Birthplace of Hockey Museum–a true hockey hero! The Windsor Citizen’s Trophy is now on display at the museum. Some of the past winners of the trophy include Resolute Hockey team (1903); Windsor Elgraves (1905, 1906); Socials (1908); YMCA (1911); Four Squares (1927, 1928, 1931-33); Stanley Flying School (1942); No. 1 Transit Camp (1943); Windsor Textiles (1946); KCS (1949); Earl’s Royals (1950); Brooklyn (1952).


